- Temperature sensor DS18B20
- Ultrasonic range sensor HC-SR04
- 9-degrees-of-freedom IMU MPU-9250
- Photodiodes for detecting light
- Reed switch for detecting the presence of a magnet (e.g., speedometer in bikes)
- Hall effect sensors for measuring magnetic fields
- Cameras
- Raspberry Pi camera
- Duo 3D cameras
- Matrix Vision cameras
- Orbbec 3D cameras
- Stereolabs 3D cameras
- Intel RealSense developer kits
- Shaft encoders for measuring angles of joints
- Wii Motion Plus Gyro for Raspberry Pi
- ADXL345 Accelerometer for Raspberry Pi
- Hokuyo UTM-30LX scanning laser rangefinder (LIDAR)
- Scanse Sweep inexpensive scanning (rotating) LIDAR
- LIDAR-Lite v2 by PulsedLight, LIDAR-Lite v3 by Garmin
- Pixhawk flight controller with sensor deck, for multirotor UAVs